Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Today I can't help but think of Halloween.
I work until midnight.
I long to find someplace afterward in a little pub or a huge ballroom where I can wear my hair up and dress in a Louis the 16th Ballgown.
I think it's those damnable Disney movies that I watched as a child.
Don't get me wrong - there are a lot of good things tucked away in some of those movies, but there's also the prevalent thought that to dress up and be a Princess is some sort of desirable state.
Or perhaps it's more that I sometimes feel I belong to a different age, one where having the qualities of Jane Eyre or a Jane Austin might be more desirable than not.
Then again, it is most likely that I know damn well that I'd look stunning in that dress.
And there haven't been enough balls in my life.

Next year I'll as likely become a zombie or an enchantress.
This year I might just walk the streets and admire any stragglers in costume as I wend my way homeward.

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