Wednesday, December 26, 2012


Today I am preoccupied with putting my life together for the upcoming year.
I want to get involved in the local art movement.
I've volunteered myself to paint murals on the walls of the Early Childhood Development Center that will open in time.
I'd like to check out the local Democrats and see what they're up to.
I want to go back to my Writer's Group in Big Rapids or start a group here.
I'd be happy to re-involve myself in the local Theater Group.
More than anything, I'd like a job outside a factory so that I can get back on the substitute circuit and find myself a permanent teaching job one day. I love teaching so much - it utilizes all of my skills and fulfills my need to share what I have learned with others in hope of passing along the torch.
Oh, and let us not forget the gym. That's my New Year's Resolution. I used to go regularly and felt great while I was doing it - must get back to that. Naturally I love any non-chemical high I can obtain.

I love seeing and meeting new people - gives me all kinds of ideas.
I hope to have money to travel again one day. Anywhere in the United States or around the world. Travel opens your mind and gives you a whole new perspective.
Ah, but just for now I'd like to go to a ball on New Year's Eve - Cinderella-Style. I think a pumpkin would smell funny and be a little sticky to ride in, and glass slippers have got to be a pain, but it would be totally worth it if I could wear the dress and have someone tell me how beautiful I look.
Yes, yes - I must tell that to myself.

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